Troubleshooting: Technical Help

Ada™ Your AI Aide Troubleshooting

Ada™ User Guide

The Ada™ experience is best from a PC. 

Use a supported browser and make sure it's up to date. Ada™ supports Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Safari.

    ➛ Chrome: Update Google Chrome 

    ➛ Edge: Checking for updates

    ➛ Safari: Update to the latest version of Safari 

The first time you talk to Ada, she will request access to your microphone. Allow full access to your microphone.

If you're having microphone issues on your PC, check...

    ➛ your speaker and microphone are on, and the volume is turned up. (Headphones recommended.)

    ➛ your microphone is enabled in your browser settings.

Press the red "CLICK TO TALK" button to start talking. The send button will flash red while talking if your microphone is working.

If microphone issues continue, please try a different browser. Plug-ins or security features may be blocking your access at the browser level.

If you're having microphone issues on your mobile device (iOS or Android)...

    ➛ Go to your phone's Settings.

    ➛ Find the application for your preferred browser (Safari or Chrome).

    ➛ Make sure the application has permission to access your microphone.

                    How to check on your iPhone.

                    How to check on your Android device.

1:1 Troubleshooting

What do I do if… 

… the Teacher can’t see me or can’t hear me? 

    ➛ Make sure you are using Google Chrome.

    ➛ Try using a headset.

    ➛ Make sure you have clicked the microphone and camera icons at the bottom of the screen. 

…I can’t hear the Teacher? 

    ➛ Make sure your speakers are on and your volume is up.

…there’s an echo? 

    ➛ Try a different browser. NEI Video supports Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

    ➛ Try using a headset. 

    ➛ Try exiting the room and re-entering.

…the video keeps dropping? 

    ➛ Try closing all other applications that are running in the background, such as any streaming videos, downloads, etc.

    ➛ Check your Internet speed at Tell your teacher what your speed is. If the speed is too low, it may cause connection problems.

…there is a video delay or poor sound quality? 

    ➛ Try exiting the room and re-entering.

Please see our network requirements